Tuesday, September 4, 2007

School Supplies

This past week, Goods for Good delivered teaching materials to St, Matthias, the public school at which we teach. We delivered hundreds of books, Leap Pads, several roles of paper, hundreds of pages of oak tag, markers, tape, etc. Thank you to Write Way, Pfizer, the third grade class at Abraham Joshua Heschel School and Leap Frog for making this wonderful and very important donation possible. These materials will allow the teachers to implement the new teaching methods they learned in the training sponsored by Goods for Good, as well as help them to create a school that encourages learning and creativity.

These materials were delivered to St. Matthias in Goods for Good’s new car on Sunday afternoon. We purchased the car third hand (that is older than second hand) from and ex-patriot leaving town.
Lets just say no one will doubt that we are spending our money on programs and not overhead, if you get my drift. We got a great deal but now of course there is the issue of taxes, which are over 100% of the price of the car! Oh Dear! Regardless we are excited to be mobile, as we have been planning to visit several different sites and communities.

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