Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Exciting Times at Tiyambe Nawo

The caregivers at Tiyambe Nawo finished their training a couple of weeks ago and are already hard at work implementing the lessons they learned. We spoke at length with one of the caregivers and she felt so much more prepared to teach the nursery children than before the training. Of course, with all new endeavors, this one was not without a few hitches. Somehow a few of the village caregivers were under the impression that they needed a Junior Certificate (2 years of high school) in order to participate in the training and since they didn’t meet this standard, they didn’t attend the training. Therefore the village sent a couple of new caregivers who met this qualification.

This turn of events was obviously worrying to us because the two who dropped out are two of the most committed caregivers. The last thing we want to do is disrupt any of the amazing programs at Tiyambe Nawo so we’ve assured these caregivers that we’ll get them into a future training and in the meantime we’ve asked one of the other caregivers to give them a crash course on what was taught.

More big news...Because of Goods for Good’s close involvement with Tiyambe Nawo, two private groups have decided to finance the construction of a new nursery and community center. The groups are donating the funds to Goods for Good and GFG will be overseeing the project. It is an amazing step forward for Tiyambe Nawo, the hundreds of children benefiting from their services will not longer have to meet under a tree or in a shack but in a comfortable safe and clean shelter. By the middle of next year the community will have a center for their programs, goods for their children and the nursery, as well as trained caregivers. caregivers who are trained on how to best use these goods. With these three components in place, the community will be ready to provide an even higher level of care to the hundreds of orphans and vulnerable children in their community. In some of these pictures you can see the juxtaposition of the construction site alongside one of the current sheds 80 children under the age of five are meeting in everyday, I think this picture says it all.


Unknown said...

First of all - thanks for the new blog posts, I was worried we were done! Second, this latest project really sounds amazing - it is great to see how many interesting and important projects GFG is getting involved with while you are in Malawi. Keep up the incredible work.

Rory said...

Nice Blog.